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If you want to convert pounds to kilograms or convert kilograms to pounds try the following links.

Simple Kilogram Pound conversion (appears to be no longer working)

More versatile converter including Kilograms to Pounds and from Pounds to Kilograms
Note: The "normal" type of pound is the "avoirdupois". 
Troy pounds are used for precious metals

How many kilograms to a pound? - 1lb = 0.4536 kg
How many pounds to a kilogram? - 1kg = 2.2046 lbs

The exact conversion rate for pounds to kilograms is 1lb = 0.45359237 kg
A more precise conversion rate for kilograms to pounds is one of the following. 
1 kilogram =

  2.2046223 pounds
  2.2046224 pounds
  2.2046225 pounds
  2.2046226 pounds
All four values are quoted and used on the internet.

Please e-mail me with any comments, suggestions or problems relating to this page. 
Thank you.

Google 100 page search for Kilogram
